About us

We seek solutions that would comprehensively enhance Ukraine's defence and security. CBA initiatives Center has two main directions of work: Analytical and Veteran.


The team of the "Come Back Alive!" foundation has expanded its work and first added analytical direction, and later veteran direction of work. Later both of them became departments and together they became the NGO “Come Back Alive!”.


NGO “Come Back Alive!” transformed into CBA Initiatives Center for more efficient work in influencing state politics and institutions, enhancing the security and defence area community.


Analytical Department

The Analytics Department of CBA Initiatives Center studies the strategic environment of Ukraine. Using the analysis results, our team suggests a complex of recommendations for enhancing the security and defence sector of Ukraine.

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Veteran Department

The Veteran Department of the Center “CBA Initiatives” develops the rehabilitation culture for male and female soldiers and military personnel through adaptive sports.

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In 2018 NGO "Come Back Alive!" became a logical expansion of the charity "Come Back Alive". The former had been founded in 2014.

About the CBA Initiatives Center

In 2024 NGO "Come Back Alive!" has transformed into CBA Initiatives Center. The scope of the Center's work is in the public sector, amplifying the work of the charity fund. Currently CBA Initiatives Center has two chief work directions: Analytical and Veteran.