We enhance the defence capability of Ukraine and its security capabilities.

We enhance the defence capability of Ukraine and its security capabilities.

We lobby state policies formation and enhance the institutions in defence and security field.

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To make Ukraine the most defense-capable country in the region

About us

The CBA Initiatives Center is a non-governmental organization that contributes to strengthening Ukraine's security and defense sector. We conduct research on the security and veteran environment, develop effective solutions and advocate for their implementation in public policy. The ПЖ Initiatives Center is a new stage in the development of the NGO “Come Back Alive!”, which has been operating since 2018.

We use the expertise we have gained not only to to strengthening the Ukrainian army, but also to shaping state policies, institutions and communities in the field of security and defense.


We are grateful to our partners for the support and resources they invest in our common goal of shaping and implementing systemic changes in Ukraine's security and defense sector.

The financial support for the institutional development of the Analytical Department of NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

The financial support for the institutional development of the Analytical Department of NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

The International Renaissance Foundation (IRF)

Financial support of the "Sports Ambassadors" project of the Veteran Department of the NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

Financial support of the "Sports Ambassadors" project of the Veteran Department of the NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

USA Embassy

Financial support for the institutional development of the NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

Financial support for the institutional development of the NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

Agency for Legislative Initiatives

NGO «CBA Initiatives Center» has been cooperating with MoD since 2018. The main vectors of joint work are the personnel policy and social security in the army reform, summarizing the issues in the army and providing guidelines for their solution, including recommendations of recruiting and training of military personnel. Within the cooperation, representatives of the CBA Initiatives Center are also involved in the MoD working groups.

NGO «CBA Initiatives Center» has been cooperating with MoD since 2018. The main vectors of joint work are the personnel policy and social security in the army reform, summarizing the issues in the army and providing guidelines for their solution, including recommendations of recruiting and training of military personnel. Within the cooperation, representatives of the CBA Initiatives Center are also involved in the MoD working groups.

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

From the analytical standpoint, NGO «CBA Initiatives Center», has been cooperating with the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 2017. Both the direct cooperation with The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and its specialized structural departments, as well as commanding of separate types of forces. One of the key points of contact within the framework of cooperation is the study of personnel problems in the army, both before 2022 and after. At the same time, a great example of cooperation between CBA Initiatives Center and the separate types of forces is cooperation with The Territorial Defence Forces Commanding, which has been lasting since 2020. Within this cooperation, the concept of developing Territorial Defence as a separate type of troops was jointly developed, several regulatory and legal acts were finalized, and in cooperation with The General Staff of the AFU the Doctrine of TTD was adopted.

From the analytical standpoint, NGO «CBA Initiatives Center», has been cooperating with the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 2017. Both the direct cooperation with The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and its specialized structural departments, as well as commanding of separate types of forces. One of the key points of contact within the framework of cooperation is the study of personnel problems in the army, both before 2022 and after. At the same time, a great example of cooperation between CBA Initiatives Center and the separate types of forces is cooperation with The Territorial Defence Forces Commanding, which has been lasting since 2020. Within this cooperation, the concept of developing Territorial Defence as a separate type of troops was jointly developed, several regulatory and legal acts were finalized, and in cooperation with The General Staff of the AFU the Doctrine of TTD was adopted.

Armed Forces of Ukraine

NGO «CBA Initiatives Center». began its cooperation with the NSDC Apparatus in 2020 as part of the presentation of research on personnel problems in the army for the NSDC Secretary. Subsequently, they continued cooperation on the path of reforming the Territorial Defense Forces in Ukraine.

NGO «CBA Initiatives Center». began its cooperation with the NSDC Apparatus in 2020 as part of the presentation of research on personnel problems in the army for the NSDC Secretary. Subsequently, they continued cooperation on the path of reforming the Territorial Defense Forces in Ukraine.

Apparatus of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

Analytics of Center «CBA Initiatives Center» provide consultations and work out analytical documents upon request and in the interests of various intelligence agencies, special purpose state agencies with law enforcement functions, and other representatives of security forces of Ukraine, within their work fields and competencies.

Analytics of Center «CBA Initiatives Center» provide consultations and work out analytical documents upon request and in the interests of various intelligence agencies, special purpose state agencies with law enforcement functions, and other representatives of security forces of Ukraine, within their work fields and competencies.

Armed Forces of Ukraine

NGO «CBA Initiatives Center» began its collaboration with MVA on several veteran and analytical projects in 2020. The projects concern highlighting the problems of the organization of veteran businesses, as well as the rehabilitation and reintegration of veterans through adaptive sports.

NGO «CBA Initiatives Center» began its collaboration with MVA on several veteran and analytical projects in 2020. The projects concern highlighting the problems of the organization of veteran businesses, as well as the rehabilitation and reintegration of veterans through adaptive sports.

The Ministry for Veterans Affairs

Financial support for the «Sports Ambassadors» project of the Veteran Department of NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

Financial support for the «Sports Ambassadors» project of the Veteran Department of NGO «CBA Initiatives Center».

IREX: A global development & education organization

Financial support for the advocacy capacity of NGO «CBA Initiatives Center» regarding the challenges of the territorial defence of Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Financial support for the advocacy capacity of NGO «CBA Initiatives Center» regarding the challenges of the territorial defence of Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic.

ІСАР Ednannia